School kids from Chiang Mai discover the world of taste!

A great experience of transmission for the Laboratoire Olfactif du Siam (LOSiam) at the brand new French school in Chiang Mai during the Semaine du Goût.
Our talented flavorist Chloé Aimaretti took the students on a taste journey. Through expertly prepared extracts, she introduced them to the five fundamental flavors: sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami.
The children were able to discover where the taste buds responsible for each flavor are located on the tongue, and how our brain interprets these sensations. A real scientific and sensory workshop!
The highlight of the show? The blind test! With unwavering concentration, our little budding chefs tried to guess the different flavors in extracts of local fruits and herbs. Joy and surprise were there with each correct answer!
This fun experience was an opportunity to:
- Pass on knowledge: By combining theory and practice, we aroused children's curiosity and gave them the keys to better understand what they eat.
- Promote naturalness: By using simple and natural ingredients, we showed children the importance of a healthy and balanced diet.
- Support education: By organizing this workshop, we highlighted the importance of taste education from a young age.
A big thank you to Chloé for her enthusiasm and expertise! And congratulations to all the students for their active participation.